January 11, 2016

Driving on a track usually starts with throwing out 90 percent of what you know about street driving. For instance, public roads are engineered to maintain a certain level of predictable curvature given the posted speed limit. Most track curves are exactly the opposite — they challenge you to maintain a semblance of speed while finding the best entry
Taking your Porsche to the track is about the closest thing a human can feel to the exhilaration a dog must experience when they get to go for walkies. After being cooped up and playing by so many rules — don’t go too fast! don’t get in anyone’s personal space! stop chewing up that asphalt! — we get to
Preparing your teen with additional driving skills can help them retain control and make better decisions when they are faced with challenging or unfamiliar road conditions. Handing your teen a set of keys for the first time can be one of the most harrowing experiences in your lifetime. No matter how much-supervised driving experience you gave them, the moment


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